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July 13, 2023 – Age-Friendly Cities and SDG 11 – A Template for Everyone

Jack Kupferman

Sponsored by the Stakeholder Group on Ageing. Organized by GPNYC

SDG11 calls for cities and human settlements to become inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ensuring equal access for all.

The Age-Friendly Cities approach offers a framework to provide adequate and affordable housing, basic services as well as to upgrade slums. Spearheaded by the World Health Organization, approximately 1500 cities and communities already use these principles.

The right to live in safety and dignity is at the heart of Age-Friendly Cities. A decent home and a healthy urban environment are fundamental human rights. As reiterated by the United Nations’ Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, States have the responsibility to promote inclusive, age-friendly environments and provide support services promoting dignity, autonomy and independence. These enable older adults to remain in their home, taking into account their will and preferences. Innovation and infrastructure for an age-friendly city is essential.

This may include: integrated human settlement planning, accessible transport systems for all, road safety measures, green and public spaces, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk reduction, as well as community support and health services, communication and information. Older persons must not be ignored nor neglected as Governments implement SDG11.

Our goal is to secure enthusiasm and resources to ensure implementation of SDG11 so that older persons will not be left behind.


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